Are you unhappy in your relationships? Do you find that you are often in conflict with friends, family, or a partner? Perhaps you feel isolated socially and find it difficult to make and keep healthy relationships. Do you feel highly stressed or easily frustrated? Are you struggling with a lot of anxiety or other strong emotion that you wish you can understand and control better? If so, perhaps DBT could help.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a form of psychotherapy developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD in the 1970s at the University Of Washington. It is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tenets that focus on and help to change our maladaptive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that can cause us distress.
The main goal of DBT is to help us to keep in balance things that seem to be at odds or incompatible. For example, DBT regularly focuses on balancing acceptance and change. Through DBT we learn how to accept our positions in life and how the world currently is, while still encouraging us to identify and work on healthy change in areas of ourselves that we have control over.
Take the first step towards healing by reaching out to a licensed mental health professional today. Our compassionate therapists are here to support and guide you towards a happier, healthier life. Contact us now to schedule your first appointment.
Visit our staff page and easily find a therapist that aligns with your unique needs and preferences.
Mindfulness: These skills help us to live in the moment without worrying about things that may or may not ever happen in the future. We learn how to be non-judgmental with others or ourselves.
Distress Tolerance: These skills help us to cope with daily frustrations. We also develop the survival skills in times of high stress or crisis.
Emotional Regulation:
These skills help us to understand, express, and control our emotions better. Through emotional regulation we learn that we can tolerate difficult emotions and that we do not have to act on our emotions. We can learn to increase positive and decrease negative emotions.
Interpersonal Effectiveness: These skills help to improve our relationships with others. Interpersonal effectiveness teaches the tools to handle conflict and still maintain healthy relationships. We are able to recognize how to get our needs and wants met in a relationship.
FVI offers a listening ear without judgement and helps me understand what my options are to move forward in a positive way. The counseling is compassionate but at the same time constructive so you feel like you’re actually making progress toward your goals!
- H. L.
One of my worries of going to see a new therapist is whether or not I will be able to connect with them. From my very first visit, FVI was able to help me understand and see things that were getting in my way, including myself at times. From the calming and private atmosphere the waiting room provides to the office staff, Fox Valley Institute really helps to make me feel comfortable.
- A. H.
I cannot express in words how much these sessions have changed my life. My outlook on life is brighter; my self confidence and self-esteem are stronger; and best of all, I know that whatever life throws my way I can handle it. Thank you FVI!
- A. T.
FVI has encouraged and guided me, sat through tons of tears, and has also made me laugh really hard! In their way, they have helped me to see that life is sometimes difficult, but that I can handle it – and that what happens to me on good and bad days, does not define who I am. We all have a journey in this world. I’m learning to live it, with an empowering truth and strength, one day at a time.
- P. M.
With FVI's guidance and the practical tools they gave me, I was able to make it through one of the hardest times in my life. I also learned valuable lessons about myself and about healthy relationships. I continue to use these lessons and tools on a regular basis, both in my own personal and my professional life. I am so grateful for FVI and the role they played throughout this process. I would recommend anyone to them, and in fact I do send people to them on a regular basis.
- K. G.
I was really afraid of taking this step. I am 43 years old and have been a part of the firefighter culture of shouldering your burdens my whole life. I realize now that true strength is not in shouldering my burden, but in letting go and asking for help. I was able to open up to FVI simply because I saw that they truly cared. They have always been available to me in the times when my life was the hardest. I trust them completely.
- M. O.
Each time I left the office, I felt stronger and able to tackle my issues head on. More importantly, when I left our sessions, I thought about everything that was discussed and the great tools that he gave me to use, and was able to apply them to my situation. He more than once gave me material to read/study/links and we would talk about it during our next session to re-enforce the objectives, which was so helpful.
- N. R.
As experienced, licensed and professional therapists, our goal is to help you resolve your challenges. Our door is always open to help you through any crisis.
Our office is located at 640 N River Rd #108
We understand that making this type of request is often a difficult step, so we will do our best to guide you through the process.
Your contact will be handled by one of our Client Care Specialists. Once we connect with you, we will ask you for some information. Questions may include:
How can we help?
What is your availability for an appointment time?
What is your health insurance?
Once your appointment is scheduled, you will be sent an email confirmation with new client paperwork.
Call us at 630-718-0717 ext. 240 or email us at